Well it has been another week already. Time is going by so fast!
We had another lesson with our investigator Morten this week. We showed him around the church and got him ready for Sunday. He had a great experience this week, much better than last week. He made a lot of friends and even got invited to dinner with us so things are going well with him. He is progressing quickly and even went all of church without smoking.
We have been doing a lot of knocking doors and contacting people on the street this week. We have a couple good people to work with, but we aren't finding too many new people.
Earlier in the week a guy came up to us on the street from the local newspaper and wants to interview us so we are doing that this Wednesday so that should be interesting.
Well I guess that's all for this week. Don't have much else to say. I love you all and I know that your heavenly father loves you even more. Don't forget to pray and tell him how grateful you are to be alive. Have a good week :)
Love, Elder Smith
Hey Mom!
Things are going well. The weather is getting soooo much better! Companion is good. Investigators are doing well, we just need more. Pass. Food is great! A little bit. :)
That is cool that you have ran all of the trails at McCoy flats. I can't wait to bike out there. That's awesome that you're able to do stuff without your wrist affecting you too much anymore.
I loved Elder Bednars talk on meekness! I actually just read a talk from him called "Walk in the Meekness of My Spirit" Where he talked about a lot of the same things. I hope to get a lot better at this too.
Dad will do a great job as Elders Quorum President. I can't wait for him to be my President haha. I wonder what kind of callings I will have. It will be weird having a different calling than full-time missionary.
Will hasn't said anything about it yet, but obviously he signed up for the same room haha. I feel like it will be good. Trust me, I am also concerned about being able to afford everything. I will do everything I can to work hard this summer and earn a lot of money. If you hear of anyone needing someone to do work please tell them I am willing and I will work hard haha. I have been praying that I will be able to figure it all out. Sometimes I feel regret, because I didn't work harder in school and get good grades and earn more money, but mostly I am just scared because I really don't want to have any loans. Oh well. I will figure it out.
Our investigator Morten is doing so well. He had a much better time at church and made so many friends which I know he didn't really have before. He is now going to go play hockey on Friday with some members and he is going to come with us to a dinner appointment sometime soon.
I made another little scriptural connection today with the blessings and physical spiritual stuff haha. D&C 130:20 and 21. Each law has specific blessings based on them. That's pretty cool. We shared that during a lesson this morning when teaching about commandments.
I love you lots. I can't wait to see you too. :)
Love, Elder Smith
Hey Dad!
I'm doing well. It was a pretty good week. The weather has been much better. Not much to prepare I guess. Are you preparing for me to come home? I don't think I am shipping anything home. I'm a little nervous but excited too.
I'm happy for you and your new calling. That will be cool and I'm glad you got good councilors.
Did you get good grades for your semester? I'm sure you'll be able to handle the next semester just fine. Are you learning a lot?
Have you kept track of all the miles you have ran since I have been on my mission? Sometimes I think you have probably ran more than I have biked. :)
I got my temple recommend renewed today so that Elder Woodforth and I can go to the temple one last time here in Denmark, so we will do that later this week.
I will work as hard as I can these next two weeks. I can't believe it is so close. It is hard to think that this won't be my everyday anymore. I sure am going to miss it. I am excited to see you though. I love you. Have a good week!
Elder Smith