Well it has been quite the week. Elder Hamp and I have been working hard to finish out this transfer well.
On Monday we had a fun Pday. A member in the other ward here on Fyn had all the missionaries take the train down to Svenborg, a town on the south coast of the island. Then he took us all to this little beach and we waited for the tide to get as low as it would, then we waded through the water and walked to another island. He called it island hopping. It was probably as close as I will get to swimming on my mission. Haha.
On Tuesday we had a lesson with our new investigator Rikke. She doesn't really believe in God, but she was really interested in what we believe in and said we can come again.
So there is this guy named Daniel who is the grandson of a member in the ward and he isn't a member. We have gotten to know him well because he comes to church almost every week and comes to the young single adult activities. He has never said yes to letting us (the missionaries) come and teach him official, but he wants to be baptized. We talked to him again this week and he said he wants to start taking the lessons! That was awesome!
We have been pretty busy with service. We helped two families move this week and we have a couple service projects lined up for this week as well.
We had a lesson with Anja and we talked to her about prophets and the priesthood. We gave her a priesthood blessing to help her with her smoking addiction. She is trying really hard!
Other than that we have just been knocking and finding people like crazy. We have been working really hard to find new investigators this transfer and it is paying off... But, we found out yesterday night that Seden is going to be closing for a bit, because there aren't enough missionaries coming to the mission. Elder Hamp and I are really sad. This means we are using this week, transitioning all of our investigators over to the other elders and cleaning our apartment out completely. I guess the work we did won't go to waste, but it is sad to see the area shut down after everything.
Well that's all I can think of for the week. It has been a good one! I will let you all know next week where I am going.
Stay happy. I have learned on my mission that being happy makes all the difference. And that it is a choice. Put a smile on and think of the things that make you happy. If you can't think of any, then go find some reasons to be happy :)
Well I love you all. Hope you have a great week and enjoy July! Happy 4th! (tomorrow).
Love, Elder Smith
Us island hopping

Hey Mom! I cannot believe I have been in Denmark for a year. It's crazy!
We went island hopping haha. It's not very Danish but it was fun. This week we are having a big 4th of July party. Very Danish.
I love gospel principles class! That's the one we go to haha. I hope you get to teach it again.
I'm glad your new calling isn't too much for you ;)
I'm sorry all my stuff get's worn out. My black shoes are slightly falling apart a little bit, but they are still wearable, the brown ones are fine. I'm still good on shirts and other stuff though.
I wish I could send you some chocolate before tomorrow. I'm sorry I haven't sent you all anything for a while. I will try to get a letter in the mail soon. I have been slacking. ;) I am doing okay at eating good. I lost a little bit of weight, but it definitely isn't showing. I've lost around 15 pounds but my chubby belly looks exactly the same. Ugh.
My companion is great, so is the ward. But the area is shutting down and we are both moving so that is a big bummer. We are pretty sad.
My Danish is much better than when I first got here. It is still impossible to sound like a Dane but I can say pretty much whatever I need to.
I love you lots and lots and lots. Thanks for being my mom.
Love, Elder Smith
Hey dad!
Time is going by waaayyyyyy too fast. It was a good week. My favorite thing this week was when our investigator Anja asked us about what a chapter in the BOM meant. It was in first Nephi, but an Isaiah chapter. We read a bit with her and explained what we could. She is pregnant and after we talked about it she said hmm. Isaiah could be a nice name for a boy. She is awesome.
I can't believe you have ran 50 miles this month. That is gross.
I think you should keep going with your classes. But I can't see how busy you are. I guess you'll do what you need to. :) Make sure you pray about it. What kinds of classes would you take if you did the BYU-I online classes?
I will gladly do the projects for you when I get home. I'm pretty sure I am still in debt to you and keep costing money because my pants keep ripping.
I definitely don't miss cleaning the chicken coop. Gross. Maybe you should just find a couple of goats to eat up the weeds. :)
I love you too dad. Thanks for being a good father. I miss you.
Love, Elder Smith