I said the prayer at a devotional on Sunday and it lasted all of fifteen seconds. I was at a loss of words and in front of a lot of missionaries. It's fine.
There is a rumor here that the orange juice will make you very sick and send you straight to the bathroom. So me and 2 other Elders tested the theory and proved it false. Just so all you missionaries coming soon know that the rumor is a lie. We like to test our luck at meals so on Wednesday another Elder and I decided to have a PBJ and 4 bottles of chocolate milk for breakfast. It was a great idea, we lived through that one as well. One more funny story that had most of us Elders in tears from laughing: My companion Vanhin Sisco seems to have gas everywhere we go and always talks about it, and it just so happens there is a scripture about him. One of the bathroom stalls has a reference grafitied into it. Jeremiah 4:19-20. Vanhin laughed harder than any of the rest of us at that one. It was a good time.
On a spiritual note. We heard from Randal K. Bennet on Tuesday, he is a member of the seventy. He talked a lot about being a consecrated missionary and making every service sacred. He also talked a lot about repentance. Something he said that really stood out to me is that repentance is part of a joyful daily process. Repentance is not just for serious sins and it is not scary! Repentance doesn't even have to be for sin. If there is something that needs taken care of in your life, take care of it, but at the same time, repent daily. Think of Christ and his atonement and what it means to you, and make it a JOYful daily process.
I love you all and have loved hearing from many of you! Jeg elsker dig!
Love Ældste Smith
Sorry I forgot to attach pictures to the first email. I only have one this week though. This is all the Elders in my Zone. We decided to all wear gray suits and purple ties on Sunday. And then fit 7 of us on a small bench.

To Mom:
Hey I'm doing good. I found out about the accident on Tuesday. It was kind of a shock and it's hard for me to think of, but I can't really do anything besides pray for his family and others involved. Someone checked on me last night, I told him I was alright and was aware of all the help I have here. I wish I would have sent Sandon an email last week. I wish so badly he was on a mission right now. I wish I could have been at his funeral. It's hard for me to understand why he had to go then. I guess there is just so much we can't understand.
I'm glad you like my letters! I haven't written one in a couple days because I email today but I will send one tomorrow.
I'm excited to have another missionary coming. I love the devotionals here. This week we heard from a member of the 70 and I got to shake his hand. I said the prayer at the Sunday devotional. I'll give you two guesses on who we get to hear from next Tuesday. It's great.
I got separates in brown leather. I like them a lot. I've still used my small ones to take to devotionals because we cant bring a bag and they're smaller. But if I have no use for them I might just send them home. I'll have to see how the sister worked with the holy tabs. I just liked the idea because the topics go directly with the lessons we teach. I don't want my pages to rip though. That would be bad.
I love you lot's I'll be on later to email and send my group email but I have to go with my companion to the clinic because he says he hurt his back playing volleyball. Talk to ya later! I love you!!!
(note from mom: I guessed Holland or Uchtdorf for my two guesses...)The speaker on Tuesday is neither of those but I will give you a hint. We (the choir) are singing a song that just happens to be written by David A. Bednar. I'm excited.
I don't really have a favorite meal. None of it is amazing but none of it is terrible.
Yeah I got your package! I hope the pants are big enough. They felt a little tight at the waist and thighs but I wore them a while and they seemed better. (note from mom: could be the FOUR CHOCOLATE MILKS??!!)
I'm so excited to hear from him. So something else exciting is that they are going to have a special choir at the end of June right before I leave and I think it might be an audition. If it is I hope I'm a part of that. It also means that there will probably be a very special speaker. I'm looking forward to that.
I love singing and I love all the new Elders. They are so much fun.
To Dad:
Hey dad! I'm doing pretty well! It is hard news but I'm hoping to use it to help me. I'm sorry to hear about the stores. I hope your guys get things figured out okay. Let me know what you end up doing and try not to move away. The seventy was Randal K. Bennet. It was so good and gave me some great ideas on becoming a better missionary. We are hearing from David A. Bednar this Tuesday. I am so excited. I really love the devotionals and they are always so good. The language is hard. It's amazing how much I've learned but it's hard to teach and prepare in a language I don't know. The hardest thing is when I know how I want to answer a question or explain something but I just don't have the words to do it. It is very frustrating. Aubrey didn't email me this week but last week she did. I have emailed her both times. Thanks for the advice. How are things going? How are the animals? Anything exciting and happy happen?
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