Hey everyone! It's been a great week! I have my new companion Elder Lee and he is a killer missionary! We get along great and we have been working like crazy. I'll share a few experiences from the week.
We have been trying to visit as many less active members as much as possible this week, so two of my stories have to do with that. The first one starts in a little town called Udløse where we visited a less active. After the visit we went back to our car and saw a little yellow note under the windshield wiper. Parking tickets are yellow in Denmark so I was pretty upset at first, when we got to the note I picked it up and realized it was handwritten, about two seconds after that an angry Danish man bursts out his front door and starts yelling at us about how we are disrespectful for parking in front of his house and that we don't think (where we parked was totally legal by the way). We found out that he has PTSD and hates the world. He continued for the next hour telling us about how terrible the world is these days and how many great things he has done in his life. It was lame.
Another less active we visited turned out to be a super old lady. Her name was Lise Nielsen and she invited us right in and started to hobble around and clean her house. She was super sweet. She made us hot cocao and bread with jam. She couldn't hear very well so when I asked how she became a member of the church she thought I asked how old is your dog. I promise it wasn't just a Danish mistake because those two phrases sound nothing alike. All in all though she was a very nice lady and it was a very good visit. Much better than the first experience.
One more thing happened that was a little more spiritual. We don't have very many investigators right now so we decided to fast until we found someone. We started that day like normal except without breakfast. We decided to study finding in preach my gospel. We learned that we should turn our conversations to teaching as soon as possible and bring it to the unique message of the restoration. We went out on our morning contacting session and talked to a couple people. The angrily told us no and I thought we were in for a long day. Shortly after that we met a girl named Sarah and she started to listen to us. We used exactly what we had learned that morning and taught her a short lesson. Right after she said she didn't have much time but set up an appointment with us. It was an awesome experience!
To apply it in a way that maybe you all can relate to, I want to share a thought about fasting and faith. Over the past few months I have gained a strong testimony of fasting. I have seen so many blessings and experiences that have come from a specific fast and faith that the Lord would deliver. If you need help with something that seems impossible try and focus on something that always works. Show God your desire for his help by focusing your fasting and prayer. I know you will see His hand in your lives and he will help you.
Thank you for everything. You are all great friends to me and I look up to you all. Thank you for your support. I hope you have a super great week.
Elder Smith
Hi Mor!
Life is great. The mission is 11/10 and Denmark is beautiful. Elder Lee is great. He only has four months left but he is a great missionary. I have learned so much from him already. I miss ice cream. I'm almost done with Helaman.
That relay race sounds fun. Was it an actual race or just for fun? Did you all run the same legs? How did it work? Sounds like you had fun with Adam. I hope Aubrey and Cooper will hang out with me when we are old ;) haha.
Thanks for getting me a USB no rush haha. You aren't super slow. I have letters written for you all. I will try to send them today. My coat was about 1500 crowns. So like $200? It's a good one. I'll be using it pretty soon here.
So I just email you that I got the card when I get it? I'm excited to get your old letter. Do you talk to Sister O'Bryant alot? That's kind of weird.
That's cool with Grandma and Grandpa. They will love the MTC I hope they have an awesome experience there.
Yeah it's pretty easy to solve a rubik's cube. Find him some instructions for it so he can learn to solve it. I had to have someone teach me. It is one of those things that seems impossible but once you know how to do it it's easy.
I love you sooooooooooooooooo much. Du er fantastisk. I love you. I have like five minutes left and I haven't emailed dad or aubrey or cooper. I hate emailing.
Love Ældste Smith
Hey dad I'm good. I got a few minutes to write you. The first week with my new comp has been great. He is a great missionary and I don't think we will have any problems. I remember most things. We have a GPS and that's nice. I do know a few things and the members laugh at my Danish a lot but mostly because they ask if I understood and I have to say not really. Sounds like things are going better with work. That is good. Wow that sounds like Vernal has had more rain than Denmark and that seems wierd. I like this time of year too. It's really starting to cool off and feel good outside. I love riding my bike in this kind of weather. I'm glad to hear you've been running. How much do you weigh? I have been doing pretty good with workouts in the morning. Push-ups crunches squats and all that. It's been good. I haven't lost much weight but I bought a ton of fruits and veggies to eat this week. Thank you for your support and advice. I love you and miss you. Thanks for being such a great example to me.Love Elder Smith