On Monday we spent the night in Tåstrup so we could pick up a new bunkbed from IKEA in the morning. It is much more sturdy than our last bunked so our mattresses aren't on the floor anymore.
Wednesday was really warm and we were out knocking the whole day. When we got home I was dying of heat and all I wanted was a bowl of ice cream, but sadly I gave that up.
When we celebrated Elder Weese's year mark on Friday the sky was so pretty. Elder Weese and I just looked at it for a while and wondered how people can see the world and not believe that there was a God who created it. I have pictures so you can see how pretty it was, but they don't quite do it justice.
This Sunday was definitely a good one. I understood more than I ever have in sacrament meeting. Not nearly as much as I would like to, but way more than normal. After that I had to teach a lesson for guest class on Jesus Christ. I thought it went really well.
In the lesson we talked a little bit about why we needed to have a Savior Jesus Christ. We had to leave our Heavenly Father and come to Earth. Here, we must learn to make our own choices. None of us are perfect and we are all tried and tempted. How can we overcome it? The Savior. He has paid for our sins and our trials and imperfections. Elder Weese and I listened to a talk the other day by Brad Wilcox called "His Grace is Sufficient" If we believe that we can't change or become better, we do not understand the Atonement. His grace is sufficient. Jesus Christ our Savior has paid for all of it in full, he has covered everything. If we give ourselves up to him and give in to the Father's will, we will be cleaned and healed. Don't ever give up and remember that His grace is sufficient for you, for me, and for every one of God's children.
I love you all! Thank you for all you do. Next week I should have some news about a new companion and I will be finished with training. Have a great week!
Ældste Smith
Hvasa mommy!

Yep one more week till transfers. I'm excited because I like change, but I really hope I have a good companion. It's kind of sad when you have to get rid of a companion you know you work well with. I will probably be in the same area with the same address. You could send it to the mission office or just to my address. If anything it will just take longer to get to me.
I sent one last week when I was on the computer.
I have heard of Grandma and Grandpa's mission call. That is so cool. Elder Weese has a buddy in that mission who is speaking Navajo. Are Grandma and Grandpa super nervous? I am so excited for them.
I am sure you can learn the languages haha. My Danish definitely feels better, but it's so hard to understand. You don't leave me out too often. I probably have learned to fend for myself because you always forget me haha.
My bike is awesome. I don't use it a ton, but it depends on the week. When we are in Holbæk and it's too far to walk but to close to drive, we bike. I love riding though even though I get sweaty. I'm going to try and find a coat today. There are some outlet stores here that we are going to check out.
Not eating that stuff is really hard because after a hard day all I want is ice cream. I keep praying one of our eating appointments will have ice cream for desert so I can have it but they haven't yet. Thats so weird! Before we had ice cream like every few eating appointments. It's like they know.
Yeah we have a lot of fun adventures haha. We didn't break it on purpose. It was super shaky before. Then after that one day Elder Weese was climbing the ladder and the rung broke. So after that he had to shimmy his way to the top bunk and the bed shook around a lot and eventually things started breaking on it. My back is okay from the pullup bar though. Your tripping story sounds like it would be super funny to watch hahaha. I probably get my clumsiness from you. But you were pretty skilled that you didn't spill everything.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. I couldn't be on a mission without you. I love you so much.
It's a good talk. You should also read the one I put in my email today by Brad Wilcox. Elder Weese and I were almost crying.
Let me know if you have any really good talks or missionary thoughts. Love you!
Love Elder Smith
Hey Dad I'm doing good. Not much crazy has happened. I think you told me about Alyssa. That's so cool. And Grandma and Grandpa's is awesome too. I'm so excited for all of them. That's cool that you were able to be there for their call opening. It sounds exciting. Sounds like work is fun as usual. Do you like driving? I start driving today which is really scary. I don't really want to drive. I don't like feeling responsible for a car that isn't mine.Things are good. We sadly haven't been able to meet with C since our last lesson and she hasn't answered our phone. So hopefully things work out. We dropped our other investigator this week because he hasn't been progressing. We really need to find some new investigators. My favorite food. I'm not sure. I make myself pasta or chicken or sandwiches and stuff, but Danish foodwise I have no idea. I like it all haha. Potatoes are great and we eat those a lot. The water doesn't taste too different. I like it for the most part, but sometimes it tastes weird. I don't know why. We don't ride our bikes a ton, but every once in a while. Not really to the ocean. We see it a lot. The closest I've been was on Friday when we burned one of Elder Weese's shirts on a little beach. I have a good story for you. Yesterday we were at a family's house for an eating appointment. It was great we had HUGE hamburgers and we talked with this guy named Paul for a while about the scriptures. He knows them pretty much front and back and pointed out a ton of cool things. When we were getting ready to leave we asked them if they needed anything and he asked us if we could give him a priesthood blessing. He has been thinking of switching jobs and has had a hard time with his stepson. He asked me if I could give him the blessing. Luckily he let me give it in English because they are very very good at English, but I was super nervous. Right when I started giving the blessing the Spirit was so strong it was short but by the end I had tears in my eyes and the Spirit was so strong in the room. Right afterwards we talked a little about how much we respected him and his family and knew things would be okay. It was a very spiritual experience and was really awesome. That's my story. I love you lots and lots and hope you are doing good. Thank you for your advice and support. I love you.Love Elder Smith
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