We have been doing loads of service lately because spring is sort of here and everyone and their dog wants our help. We are a free moving, landscaping, cleaning, painting, and whatever else you can imagine service. It is good though. I like getting to know the members and they usually give us good food to go with it.
We had a good lesson with Anja this week and she is still working towards stopping smoking. We also had a lesson with Elizabeth and that went super well! She is willing to accept an answer from God, but has been a little reluctant to act on it. We invited her to start by coming to church. She said she would. She actually texted us the night before and said she didn't know if she was going to make it because her son was getting sick. She texted in the morning and said he wasn't feeling well so they couldn't come. Then, about an hour before church she called us on the phone and said "I actually changed my mind, we want to come," I asked if she was sure and she said "Yes, I think it will be good for us, we need to come to church." So that was a cool little miracle for the week.
Well I'm pretty happy right now because the library we are in is playing the Beatles. I think that's all I've got for the week.
We had 3 of our investigators in church this week and they all really liked it. It is interesting to see what they notice. How happy we are. The spirit that is there. The meaning of the sacrament. A lot of things that we take for granted. I hope we can all become better at realizing what a blessing it is to be able to participate in church each week. I know it is the perfect place to be on a Sunday.
Have a great week! Do something fun!
Love, Ældste Smith
To Mom:
I loved talking to you too :) I'm glad you were excited enough to wake up super early haha.
Sadly I didn't have that tie on. Some of the thread is loose so I have to figure out how to fix it.
I'm glad I looked great haha. Did I look fat? I really hope things go well with the investigators we have right now. We are having a hard time finding people but the ones we have right now are really awesome.
I felt really blessed about the bike. Members are so great. I hate when stuff breaks or gets ruined.
Haha that's a good joke. I guess I'm lucky I'm not a missionary tracting in the African bush.
Well I love you lots. Thanks for being such a good mommy.
Have a good week!
Love, Elder Smith
I really enjoyed Skyping you all yesterday. It was good to see you. The rest of the day was really good. We had a really big dinner and the family we were with had both their sets of parents over so it was a fun time.What did you make mom for lunch? I will make some good Danish desserts when I come home. That's definitely my favorite type of food here.I hope Aub can find a car. I hope I can find a car when I get home. And a job. And all that. Haha still don't know what I am going to do when I go to college, but that's not important now.I will run trails with you when I get home as long as I don't get any fatter. I need to lose weight. Maybe I should get my organs removed like you did haha ;)Does it mean you get more money since you are a regional manager?I love you too pops. That sounds like it will be fun. You two probably have some similar mission experiences. Just hearing about it makes me think of this talk from conference https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2017/04/the-language-of-the-gospel?lang=eng. You will do fine. Just recite a scripture or something haha. You should record it and send it to me. I want to here it.I love you lots. Have a good week.Love, Elder Smith
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