For Pday last week we went and saw the marble church in Copenhagen. It was a massive beautiful church right in the middle of Copenhagen. After that we ate at TGI Fridays with a bunch of other missionaries.
On Tuesday we had splits with the Elders from Slagelse. I was with Elder Saviano, he is one of my favorite missionaries because he is a hard worker and we always have great experiences finding together. For example we were knocking for a while in this area and not a single person would talk to us. Most of them were being pretty rude. So after about an hour and a half we went back to the car and sat down to figure out what we could do. We decided to find an answer in the Book of Mormon. Elder Saviano turned to Lehi's dream. We decided that most of these people were prideful and were most likely a part of the great and spacious building. Obviously what we wanted to give all these people was the fruit from the tree of life. As the scripture says, the tree of life is the love of God. From then on we made a goal to make an extra effort to show them that we love them and that God loves them. It went better. We found a couple potential investigators and gave out a few Books of Mormon.
On Wednesday we were down in Nykøbing for splits. That's my last area and I was on splits with Elder Peel, my last companion. It was a lot of fun and it felt just like last transfer. We got to teach one of my favorite investigators Dorthe and we also ate with one of my favorite families in Denmark the Johansens. It was a great time to say the least. I really love that place.
Thursday was the most normal day of the week. We had a lot of time to kick it in gear and get to work. Something cool happened though. It has been raining for 2 weeks straight here and on Thursday it was raining particularly hard. We live close to a train station and right next to our apartment there is a little tunnel going under the train tracks. There is a big dip there and there was a "puddle" in the tunnel about 10 inches deep. We drove through it and turned around to do it again. The second time through we saw a car that was pulled over to one side. We pulled next to her and asked if we could help she said that would be great and I told her we would come and push. So we parked our car and went and pushed her car through this huge river in our white shirts and ties wading through the water. It was pretty awesome in my opinion and a lot of fun.
On Friday we visited two of the different district meetings in our zone to give a training. We trained on goals and planning. It was fun to see all the missionaries in different places.
Saturday was fun. We had another training in a district meeting and when we got back to Copenhagen we had a big zone activity/project. We set up some table and signs in the middle of strøjet, Copenhagens main shopping street. We went around and shared the Book of Mormon with as many people as possible. Not gonna lie it was hard. It was one of those talk to 99 people and 1 of them actually says something besides no thank you. It was a lot of fun though and out of the 9 companionships that were there we gave out 56 books.
So as you can all see it was a busy week. I'm sorry for the long email, but I finally had a lot to talk about. I love you all. Serve everyone around you and work hard whatever you are doing. Have a good week!
Love, Elder Smith
To Mom:
Haha I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help with the hay this time around. Can't say I wish I was there, but it's too bad you had to do it without me.
From Eva Stokholm:
Be proud. He is doing great. He told me that he got 8 month left and I said, that then he would go home soon. He loves been a missionary and doesn't want to think about what to do when he gets home.
Be proud he is a great servant in the Lords house.
Thank you for raising such a wonderful young man.
Be proud of him.
Love, Eva

We finally just went and stopped by the Hansen family, but they said they have no time at all to meet. :( they said they would call when they have time so that was sad.
Elder Hunsaker seemed to be doing good. I was with Elder Peel this time, but he seemed to be doing better and was happy.
Haha it was so fun seeing Eva yesterday. I was surprised she remembered me so well. I knew you would be happy to get a couple pictures haha.
I've never heard of that hiking trail before. Is it cool?
I want some peach pie. That sounds so good. Now I really really really want some...
I'm glad you got to go to the temple. I hope I get a chance to go soon. Maybe we will try to go next week. I haven't done an endowment session since last July.
I love you lots. Have a good week!
Love, Elder Smith
To Dad:
Don't feel bad about not emailing. It happens sometimes. I forgive you.Those are some cool experiences. Sometimes it is hard to follow the promptings. I'm glad you did it in the end though, both times. One of my favorite investigators I have had comes from Hungary. Her name is Eniko. I taught her while I was in Aalborg. I'm glad you could help those people.That sounds like a good stake standards night.I hope your semester goes well in the Pathway program. What kind of program are you thinking of after you finish?I'm sorry I wasn't there to help with the hay. That was always a lot of fun haha. I'm sure I will be able to help you again sometime. At least you were able to spend some time with Aubrey. That's good.That's fun you got more chickens. What colors are all the chickens now? Are any of them the same as when I left?Thanks for the email and the other one with the letter. I really like that one. The work is so great when there are so many good experiences going on around. I tried to give Cooper a talk a couple months ago and asked him some questions about it, but he never said anything back about it. I will ask him again. You could ask him about it.I love you lots. Have a good week!Love, Elder Smith
From Eva Stokholm:
Be proud. He is doing great. He told me that he got 8 month left and I said, that then he would go home soon. He loves been a missionary and doesn't want to think about what to do when he gets home.
Be proud he is a great servant in the Lords house.
Thank you for raising such a wonderful young man.
Be proud of him.
Love, Eva
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