Hey everyone!
It has been a pretty good Christmas week for us.
Elder Hunt and I were able to do a lot for the members here over the past week. We have had a hard time finding and keeping investigators, but there has been a lot of good less active work to do here. We had breakfast yesterday with one of them and it was great!
We had splits with the Frederiksberg Elders earlier this week and that was good. I was able to go with Elder Merril and we had a good lesson with MaryAnn. He is a great district leader and he is great at making you feel comfortable and happy.
We also had splits with the APs, and that was good. I was with Elder Ericksen and we got a lot done. We visited a less active part member family that he knew from when he was here and we set up an appointment with them for the next day, which went really well.
We had Christmas zone conference which was a great time and I enjoyed the trainings a lot as well. We got to see Moana and had some great food.
On Saturday we got transfer calls and I found out I will be leaving Taastup to go to Kolding and Elder Saviano will be my new companion. I am grateful for the time I have had here in Taastrup and this transfer with Elder Hunt. He is a great missionary and friend. I hope I was able to help him half as much as he helped me. I am looking forward to Kolding with Elder Saviano. He is an amazing missionary and I have learned a lot from him serving around him before. It should be a great transfer.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you will have a great new year.
Council with the Lord as you set your new years resolutions and he will help you set goals and motivate you to be a better person.
I love you all! Have a good week.
Elder Smith
Hey Mom!!!
I love you! I'm glad you got my package in time. Sorry I forgot to slip in the letters.
I got your package and I loved it. Thank you so much!
I didn't end up making Cinammon swirl bread, because we had breakfast with a less active on Christmas and he wanted risengrød. I learned to make that though and it turned out pretty good.
That is so cool that you did so cool with light the world. Thanks for being such a good example and an awesome missionary.
I love you lots and lots. Thanks for skype yesterday. Have a great week!
Love Elder Smith
Dear dad!It has been a great Christmas and it was so good to see you all.That is cool that you got to go Christmas shopping for those little boys. I'm sure they were super happy and grateful. Happy Anerversary! Your marriage is getting old! Haha Good job serving the waitress :)I like musical sacrament meetings. Music is one of my favorite ways to bring the spirit. I am proud of Cooper that is super good he could get ordained.
I am excited for this next transfer in Kolding with Elder Saviano. It sounds like a cool area and I really like Elder Saviano. I don't like the feeling that I don't have much time left on the mission. I don't think about it so much, but the members and other missionaries bring it up all the time. It is really annoying. I will keep working hard though and loving it all.I love you lots. Thanks for being my dad and for being such a great example. Have a good week!Love, Elder Smith
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