I'm a member in Roskilde ward where your wonderful children are serving right now. I just wanted to send you their smiling faces and tell you what a great job they are doing. They are so wonderful, positive, polite and hard working. We enjoyed their wonderful company for dinner tonight and it was great fun, and they left a wonderful spirit with us!
Thank you for lending them to us. They are doing a great and wonderful job here in little Denmark :-)
A special little hello to Elder Smiths parents, since he is still a little new here - He is doing such a great job learning danish and we have been very impressed with how relaxed and comfortable he seems even when he doesn't completely understand (we speak very fast my husband and I). He simply asks "sorry, I didn't quite get that, could you repeat". It may seem small but so many new missionaries will simply keep listening, hoping that they will get the gist of what we are saying. I think he will master danish so well so much more quickly because of this. Wonderful young man! He will do so much good here. His trainer is fantastic as well so there is no question that he will be an outstanding missionary!
Again, thank you for helping them get here. Have a wonderful week.
Lisa Perkins
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