Last P-Day we decided to go to Slagelse to be with some other missionaries. We did the Nougat bit challenge. Which is where you eat a whole box of nougat bits (a type of cereal) with a liter of milk as fast as you can. It's kind of gross and stupid, but hey I did it in 15 minutes and 39 seconds.
We taught one of our investigators twice this week and she is doing really well. She is having a hard time trying new things because of her anxieties but she really wants to learn and grow closer to the Savior. Our other investigator finally came to church yesterday and I think it went well. It was a very big step for him.
On Thursday and Friday we had splits with the missionaries from Nykøbing. It was super fun and we taught a lot of lessons and found 6 new potential investigators. The downside was we did the most walking we've done in a long time and it was 90 degrees outside. 90 degrees plus high humidity does not go well together.
Friday night and Saturday morning we were able to participate in mini mission. We had a young man from our ward come out with us Friday night and Saturday morning to have a mission experience. I wish I would have been able to do something like that before my mission. Our missionary's name was Markus and he was great. On Saturday we were able to go to a mini zone conference in Copenhagen and it was a great experience and I learned a lot because it was all in Danish. Haha
I was reading a talk this week by Jeffrey R. Holland about serving a mission and he said that the Prophets and apostles give their lives to the church up until the day that they die. We as missionaries have agreed to give our lives to the church as the apostles for 1 and a half to 2 years. The apostles can't build up the kingdom themselves so therefore they have missionaries to help them. I'm here to tell you that the missionaries can't do it without help either. We need your help to build up the kingdom. Of course we all have busy lives and can't serve full time with the missionaries but remember to do your part. Look out for missionary opportuinities and ask the missionaries how you can help them. I love hearing about missionary experiences from the members here. I would love to hear them from you as well. Try to do a little something to be a missionary just for a day or even an hour or just share something with a friend. I love missionary work and it is the best way to show our love for the Savior and for God.
I love you all more than you know and I'm so thankful for you. You are all great friends to me and I look up to you. Have a great week! Keep me updated.
Love Ældste Smith
I have a lot of pictures this week :)
p.s. If anyone wants to write me a letter my address is written below. Elder Weese and I open up the empty mailbox every morning to look for letters haha.
Tyler E. Smith
Rolighedsvej 1
Holbæk 4300
Hi mommy

I haven't cut my hair yet but maybe today. Haha. They don't really have bedhead, just messy hair. All different lengths.
I have had ryebrød. It's pretty good. Not my favorite. no horseradish yet. They do have kinder buenos. They are tasty. I had them once when I was first here.
That new stake presidency sounds great! I love our old stake presidency though. But that sounds like it will be really good.
Teach about your super cool missionary son. And how amazing he is. Or something good like the Spirit.
We don't do service a ton but we've worked on this one ladies farm cleaning trash up for her and planting some flowers, we've trimmed some hedges and we've done some stuff with cobblestone at the church and at a members house.
My food budget is better it's just today is the third week I've had to use personal funds so its bad. Next month is going to be good. We are not eating out. The members feed us on average about 2 to 3 times a week. It's usually good food but they try to make me fat. Every other meal we make ourselves. I can keep bread in the fridge or freezer but both of those are very small. Like really really small. But I do that if I have room for it.
It sounds like Aubrey is doing good. I miss her lots. She hasn't said a lot about jobs and school quite yet besides she is scared about it.
I wish I got more real letters but they are expensive to send and take forever to get here.
I love you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots. Have a perfect week!
Love Elder Smith
Hey Dad! That new stake presidency sounds great. I really like all of those guys. I'm not sure if I know who the Searle guy is. Work hard with them. I'm glad things are going well with work. Sounds like you've been super super busy out there. Is Vernal still dead or is it picking up again? Have a lot of people moved? I hope everything works out well. How much do you weigh? I'm guessing you probably weigh less than me now. That's weird. I'm gonna start eating better. Do you ever eat ice cream? I love ice cream. I don't usually have ice cream because I know how bad it was but this week I decided to get some because it sounded good. When we got home I pulled it out and it turned out to be like sugar free and healthy and stuff. It tasted disgusting. So that was super super sad. Stay healthy. I'll make sure I lose weight so I'm in better shape than you. I will write about my investigators in my group email. I sometimes read the book of mormon in Danish. Sometimes I read the kids articles in the Liahona. I understand more reading than hearing for sure. This transfer ends in 3 weeks. Elder Weese will most likely be transfered and I will get a new companion. The weather has been nice. We had a couple really hot days but it has been good for the most part. I'm not sure when it will get cold. Hopefully never. Right now I'm reading about Alma talking to all of his sons and it's really good. I really want to get through the book of mormon but I honestly am the slowest reader on earth. It's so frustrating. Where are you in D&C? Thanks for everything dad. I love you lots!Love Elder Smith
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